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What payment options are available

We offer a stack of ways to pay including some Buy Now, Pay Later options;Visa, Mastercard, After pay, PayPal, Gift Card & Store Credit.

Can I use more than one payment type?

This can only be done if you are combining a store credit or gift card with one other method. Unfortunately multiple credit cards, or buy now, pay later options can't be combined.

Can I pay cash, cheque or direct deposit?

Short answer, no.

Can I change my payment method?

Unfortunately not! Once an order is placed we are unable to change it without cancelling the order entirely so you can place it again.

My debit/ credit card isn't processing?

If you are having trouble finalising your order with your credit/ debit card firstly, make sure you have sufficient funds in your account. Once you have confirmed the funds are available please double-check the following;. All details on your card ma

My payment method isn't processing?

which browser are you on? Our website is optimised for Google Chrome & Safari browsers. Have you tried switching to a different device or a new browser? If there is an error message regarding your payment method being declined, this is most likely a